Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Home: the Living Room

Regina had her team from work in our home today, so it seemed like an opportune time to do some rearranging/re-decorating and continue in our quest to make this house a "home". It has been fun to simply move things around, switch decor from one room to another and only add a few actual investments to create a warm, inviting atmosphere. Looking forward to many more opportunities to entertain and have guests in our home! (Apologies for the dark pictures)


  1. Cute, cute, cute! Lindsey, you have such a natural warmth that you bring to a home. Thanks for putting up these pictures :) Also, loved running into you last Saturday morning, outside (beautiful morning! remember?) spray painting that table, with your coffee cup in hand. Loved that, neighbor :)

  2. Super cute ... another reason for me to come visit!

  3. Whoa whoa whoa. Can we have 2 decorators in the family? First you steal the cooking title (even though I was cooking Kraft blue box first), and now this? What will be my "thing"? I guess I will always hold the "I'll be elderly first" card? :) But seriously, I am always amazed by your talents. Love you sister! Jessica
